Spelling mistake speaker

Sreamlit Application


4 min read

Spelling mistake speaker

Hello everyone, we are currently studying the concept of a spell corrector. I am not content with the existing corrections, so I decided to create an app that not only rectifies my sentences but also can vocalize the corrected version.

Below I explain the code

  1. Basic Python code for asking the user to correct the spelling

from textblob import TextBlob

def correct_spelling(text):
    blob = TextBlob(text)
    corrected_text = blob.correct()
    return str(corrected_text)

# Ask for input from the user
text_with_mistakes = input("Enter a text with spelling mistakes: ")

# Correct spelling mistakes
corrected_text = correct_spelling(text_with_mistakes)
print("Corrected text:")


  1. Create a streamlit that can speak the wrong words

  2. install individual libraries:

  3. pip install streamlit

  4. pip install textblob

  5. pip install pyttsx3

  6. Consider using PyCharm. I am using the same; it automatically detects packages and indicates install them.

  7.  import streamlit as st
     from textblob import TextBlob
     import pyttsx3
     def correct_spelling(text):
         blob = TextBlob(text)
         corrected_text = ""
         for word in blob.words:
             corrected_word = word.correct()
             if corrected_word != word:
                 corrected_text += corrected_word + " "
                 corrected_text += word + " "
         return corrected_text.strip()
     def speak_text(text):
         engine = pyttsx3.init()
     def main():
         st.title("Spelling Correction and Text-to-Speech")
         # Input text with spelling mistakes
         text_with_mistakes = st.text_area("Enter text with spelling mistakes:")
         # Correct spelling button
         if st.button("Correct Spelling"):
             corrected_text = correct_spelling(text_with_mistakes)
             st.subheader("Corrected Text:")
         # Speak button
         if st.button("Speak"):
     if __name__ == "__main__":



Finally the code for spelling correcting speaker

  1.  import streamlit as st
     from textblob import TextBlob
     import pyttsx3
     def correct_spelling(text):
         blob = TextBlob(text)
         corrected_text = ""
         for word in blob.words:
             corrected_word = word.correct()
             if corrected_word != word:
                 corrected_text += corrected_word + " "
                 corrected_text += word + " "
         return corrected_text.strip()
     def speak_text(text):
         engine = pyttsx3.init()
     def main():
         st.title("Spelling Correction and Text-to-Speech")
         # Input text with spelling mistakes
         text_with_mistakes = st.text_area("Enter text with spelling mistakes:")
         # Correct spelling button
         if st.button("Correct Spelling"):
             corrected_text = correct_spelling(text_with_mistakes)
             st.subheader("Corrected Text:")
             # Speak the corrected text
     if __name__ == "__main__":




import streamlit as st
  • This line imports the Streamlit library and aliases it as st, which is a common convention.
from textblob import TextBlob
import pyttsx3
  • These lines import the TextBlob class from the textblob library for text processing and the pyttsx3 library for text-to-speech functionality.
def correct_spelling(text):
    blob = TextBlob(text)
    corrected_text = ""
    for word in blob.words:
        corrected_word = word.correct()
        if corrected_word != word:
            corrected_text += corrected_word + " "
            corrected_text += word + " "
    return corrected_text.strip()
  • This function correct_spelling(text) takes a string of text as input and returns the text with spelling mistakes corrected. It uses TextBlob to tokenize the input text into words, corrects each word, and then rebuilds the corrected text. The .correct() method of TextBlob is used to correct each word.
def speak_text(text):
    engine = pyttsx3.init()
  • This function speak_text(text) takes a string of text as input and speaks it out loud using text-to-speech. It initializes the text-to-speech engine using pyttsx3, says the input text, and then waits for the speech to finish.
def main():
    st.title("Spelling Correction and Text-to-Speech")
  • This function main() is the main entry point of the Streamlit app. It sets the title of the app to "Spelling Correction and Text-to-Speech".

         # Input text with spelling mistakes
          text_with_mistakes = st.text_area("Enter text with spelling mistakes:")
  • This line creates a text area input field in the Streamlit app where the user can enter text with spelling mistakes. The entered text is stored in the variable text_with_mistakes.

  •      # Correct spelling button
          if st.button("Correct Spelling"):
  • This line creates a button labeled "Correct Spelling" in the Streamlit app. When clicked, it executes the code block inside the if statement.

            corrected_text = correct_spelling(text_with_mistakes)
              st.subheader("Corrected Text:")
  • This block of code executes when the "Correct Spelling" button is clicked. It corrects the spelling mistakes in the input text using the correct_spelling() function, then displays the corrected text as a subheader followed by the corrected text itself using st.write().

       # Speak the corrected text
  • After correcting the spelling mistakes and displaying the corrected text, this line calls the speak_text() function to speak out loud the corrected text using text-to-speech.
if __name__ == "__main__":
  • This line ensures that the main() function is executed when the script is run directly. It's a common Python idiom used to define the entry point of a script.

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bye guys